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Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary School

Religious Education

Religious education lies at the core of everything that we do. We follow the ‘The Way, The Truth and The Life' scheme of work from Reception to Year 6.  Learning in RE is at the core of the curriculum and we ensure that the Bishop's directive is followed in allocating 10% of curriculum time to RE lessons. The Governing Body, led by the Chair and the Governor responsible for RE, provide outstanding support and commitment to the central place of RE in the school.

All staff receive regular In-Service Training as part of their continuous professional development. Governors and staff work together to support each other in providing the very best Religious Education possible for the pupils.


'The Way, the Truth and the Life,' delivers the requirements of the Catholic Bishops' Conference and supports teachers in delivering well planned and challenging lessons. It ensures that children are enabled to become well grounded in the key beliefs of the Catholic faith by following a programme which reinforces previous learning while ensuring that there is progression in content and expectations.  We liaise closely with parents so that they are aware of what the children are learning in RE and can support them at home.

As part of the required curriculum we teach children about Other Faiths. From years 1, 2 3, 4 and 6 children have two units of work during the year, one on Judaism and the other on Islam. We use the Come and See materials for these and the school is well resourced with artefacts to bring them to life.

In Year 5 pupils do a more in depth study of Other Faiths. They look at places of worship and pilgrimage across all faiths including Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism.