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Our Curriculum Impact
Our school has an aspirational and high achieving culture, consistently achieving good results in attainment, well above national attainment and in line with or above LA attainment. Academic achievement of all pupils is expected so that each child reaches their full potential but we also value and reward each child’s achievement in other aspects of their learning.
Each child is valued as an individual with his/her special abilities, gifts, needs and personalities. Each child has equal access to all aspects of school life.
Pupils with SEND are carefully monitored and additional support is offered to provide them with key knowledge and skills, enabling them to achieve the best possible outcomes. Each child is well prepared for the next transitional stage in their education and for a life in a modern democratic society.
Monitoring and assessment is an integral part of our teaching and learning cycle. In order to plan effectively our teachers assess each child’s progress. This takes place on a day-to-day basis through talking to and questioning children and through discussions as learning is taking place.
Children from Year 1 to Year 6 are tested more formally each half term. Progress in Reading, Writing, Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar, Maths, Science and Religious Education is carefully tracked. Teachers analyse each child's attainment in order to be clear about what the next steps in learning are for each child.
In the Summer Term Year 2 and Year 6 children take national standardised tests (SATs). Children in Year 1 undertake a Phonics Assessment.